Corridor économique Chine-Pakistan, Pakistan

Renforcement du corridor économique Chine-Pakistan : Notre travail sur Pindi Gheb-Tarap et Hakla-Pindi Gheb

Under Limak’s leadership, the 280-kilometer West route of the China-Pakistan economic corridor has been constructed. Financed by the Pakistan Government, the project will develop 10 new bridges, 149 culverts, 12 overpasses, and 56 underpasses. 

The project, designed as a 4-lane (2 x 2) highway, is financed by the Government of Pakistan and includes 4 bridges, 73 culverts, 5 overpasses and 22 underpasses. The physical progress of the package is around 90 percent as of December 2021.

The project was completed in 2022.

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