We are regretfully observing that groundless allegations aiming our company are being brought forward recently on some websites.
We would like to inform the public that such news absolutely does not reflect the truth and correction has been demanded from the related media.
Our statement regarding the news is as follows:
It has been claimed that our company’s name was included within the scope of a corruption investigation regarding a US Department of State staff currently being conducted in the US.
The American citizen in the referred news is accused of accepting bribes while managing project contracts on behalf of the US Ministry of State in some tenders. Any other names, including names of companies, have not been disclosed in the indictment during the investigation, and the other involved parties have been referred to as A, B, C, D. It is clearly understood from the case file referred to on the subject website that Company A, which is the common denominator in the 5 tender and project contracts that are mentioned in the indictment, is the sole company that is alleged to have bribed the Department of State agent from among these related parties.
While our company’s name has not been mentioned either during the investigation and the prosecution process, it can easily be confirmed from the publicly available information that it is not a common denominator of the referred 5 tenders. Our Company was only involved in the tender for the building of the Baghdad Embassy of the US through partnership, and it has no relations with the other 4 projects. Only this fact is enough to confute the claim that our company is targeted in the related news.
We clearly would like to state that our Company is not one of the A, B, C, D companies in the indictment. In addition, the referred case has been concluded on Friday October 4th and no one other than the US Department of State agent has been prosecuted or sentenced. Thus, the allegations in the news regarding our Company are not based on any concrete data and there are no allegations or information on the contrary on any websites other than “kathimerini” - an information source belonging to the Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus - that are used as reference in the subject news or in any public authority statements.
Respectfully released to the public.