Food & Beverage

Limak Group aims to become a leader in fruit juice production

Limak started operating within the food & beverage industry in 2008, producing tomato paste, fruit juice concentrate and fruit pulp at Limkon Fruit Juice Concentrate Facilities.

Limkon’s current product portfolio also includes conventional juice concentrates, organic juice concentrates, non-concentrated (NFC) juices, freshly squeezed juices and fruit flavored drinks, currently exported in 32 countries. The company sells fresh orange juice and other fruit beverage products under the registered trademark “Pomona”. In order to meet the organic concentrate demands for export, Limkon continues to increase organic concentrate production every year.

As part of the Limak Group of Companies, sustainability is a priority for Limkon. The company operates in line with the highest standards for food safety and works towards developing sustainable agriculture and protecting the environment in the areas it operates. The objective is to improve corporate social responsibility by ensuring the knowledge and experience is shared with local producers.

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