Limak Kurtalan Cement

Limak Kurtalan Cement: Prioritising Social and Environmental Governance

Limak Kurtalan Cement factory produces 3 different types of products: CEM I 42,5 N, CEM II/A-LL 42,5 N, and CEM II/B-LL 32,5 R. Since 2000, the factory has been investing extensively in building capacity for greater social and environmental governance.


As part of its broader environmental strategy, Limak Kurtalan Cement ensures that all products manufactured by the factory adhere to the emission value issued by the Cement Industry and Environment Declaration. Moreover, the factory is committed to disposing of waste through appropriate and sustainable methods. In order to maintain good environmental governance, Limak Kurtalan Cement regularly carries out broad afforestation policies with the factory hosting the highest number of forestry among Limak Cement’s cement plants.

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