Limak Şanliurfa Cement

Limak Şanliurfa Cement: A Safer Work Environment for Everyone

The Şanliurfa Cement factory produces 6 different types of produces 4 different types of products: CEM I 52,5 N • CEM I 42,5 R SR3 • CEM II /B – M (P-LL) 42,5 N • CEM II /C – M (P-LL) 32,5 N.

Within the scope of its social governance, Limak Şanliurfa Cement possesses certificates within Quality Management System, Environmental Management System, Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and Energy Management System. With training, inspection, and other safety drill procedures being carried out, Limak Şanliurfa Cement continues to maintain an excellent record of safety with zero work accidents being reported in 2023. In addition, in 2017, Limak Şanliurfa Cement began an ambitious project aimed at supplementing economic wellbeing and rehabilitation works within the Şanliurfa Metropolitan Municipality, extending the plant’s activities beyond cement production.

Alongside effective social governance, Limak Şanliurfa Cement continues to do its part for the environment. Since 2019, afforestation works were planned and carried out.

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