Limak Derik Cement

Limak Derik Cement: Perseverance in the Face of Challenges

Limak Derik Cement factory produces 2 different types of products: CEM II /A-M (P-LL) 42,5 N , CEM IV/B (P) 32,5 N.

Limak Derik Çimento continues to serve in the building sector by optimizing product types in line with the needs of the industry and being an effective and respected sector player in the market, without compromising its standards such as sustainable quality, environment, occupational safety, employee and customer satisfaction.

In 2023, training activities continued throughout the year, including professional, technical and administrative issues such as occupational safety, environment, energy efficiency. In line with the importance it attaches to the environment, the plant will continue its afforestation activities in 2022, as it does every year.

With feedback from customers, both product development and technical support, work continues with the Ready Mixed Concrete laboratory, which has 17025 TURKAK accreditation.

As every year, attention is paid to the environmental activities of the factory continued to be paid for the afforestation activities by increasing the green areas in 2023.

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