Limak Bitlis Cement

Limak Bitlis Cement: The Bitlis Province Powerhouse

Limak Bitlis Cement factory produces 2 different types of products: CEMII/A-M(P-LL) 42,5 N and CEM II/B-M(P-LL) 32,5 R.

Limak Bitlis Cement is the leading industrial facility of Bitlis with its innovative approach, customer satisfaction principles, environment and quality policy that has been maintained since its establishment.

In 2022, the production of 25 kg bagged products was started as an alternative to the use of 50 kg bagged products to increase the use of additive cement in the facility and provide ease of use in areas needing cement.

In 2023, occupational health and safety and ecological training of employees were carried out through the Limak Academy online platform, and training activities on various topics were carried out in cooperation with ÇEİS.

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