Alkumru Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant

Second Large HEPP on Botan Stream

Situated on the Botan stream, the Alkumru Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) began its operations in 2011, performing successfully since. With a total capacity of 280 MW, Alkumru possesses an annual average generation capacity of 881 million kWh. Within its scope, the plant plays an important role in fulfilling the energy needs of the region. Positioned as the largest hydroelectric power plant of the private sector in the region, Alkumru Dam and HEPP can meet the annual electricity demand of the entire Siirt province.

In line with Limak’s environmental strategy, the plant continues to operate environmentally sustainable policies. In recognition of its efforts, it was awarded the Carbon Reduction Certificate in 2013 in accordance with the International Carbon Standard. In addition, Alkumru Dam and HEPP continues to reduce its carbon footprint, aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions every year.

In 2023, the plant’s production output was 542,694,155 kWh.

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